Medical Facilities & Pharmacies


There are a number of farmacias up and down the coast. Almost every town, big or small, has some type of farmacia. The Puerto Aventuras Pharmacy is located next to the Pub Restaurant. They are open till about 9PM and the staff is friendly and helpful. There is also a doctor on call here. Farmacia Paris is located behind the post office by the Kiosco(near the gazebo, on the main drag) and is open until 7PM.

Doctors and nurses smiling in hospital hallway


In Akumal, Dr Nestor Mendoza is a bilingual doctor who has an office in the main square (near the post office) His office hours are 9 AM to 2PM, but he also makes house calls.  His cell phone is 044 984 806 4616 or 984 138 65 65 he is available 24 hours a day.

  • Dr. Arturo Maceda works with Dr. Nestor, he also does house calls. +52 331 076 5318
  • Dr. Carolina Guzman. English spoken. House checks, Her cell phone is 044-984-114-9713
  • If you need special mobility equipment: wheel chairs, scooters, children travel accessories, strollers, etc.